Take Action. Now.

Help Restore Billfish by Ending Commercial Overfishing of These Threatened Iconic Sportfish

Send a letter to your U.S. House of Representatives Member
urging him or her to support the Billfish Conservation Act of 2010

The Situation
Marlin, sailfish and spearfish, collectively called billfish, are some of the world’s most majestic marine fishes. In the U.S., billfish are highly esteemed by recreational anglers, who practice catch-and-release fishing while generating substantial income to the economy.  Unfortunately, stocks of these magnificent big ocean fish have been greatly depleted in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as a result of commercial overfishing, primarily from foreign countries.

On July 21, 2010, Representative John Shadegg (R-AZ) introduced the Billfish Conservation Act of 2010 (H.R. 5804), which will prohibit the commercial harvest, sale and importation of billfish throughout the United States. 

It is currently illegal to harvest or import Atlantic-caught billfish into the U.S., but Pacific-caught fish come into U.S. markets in substantial numbers.  According to a study commissioned by the International Game Fish Association, the U.S. is the world’s largest importer of billfish, buying about 3 million pounds of marlin in 2006 - or between 10,000 and 15,000 fish a year – for sale in restaurants and grocery stores.

The Billfish Conservation Act would close U.S. commercial markets to billfish, preventing their harvest and importation. It would have a negligible impact on the commercial industry in the U.S. while increasing billfish abundance and thus the value of the recreational fishery, which brings in billions of dollars but has a minimal impact on billfish populations.  

How You Can Help
In order to ensure this important bill is passed, we need your help! Please click here to send a letter now to your U.S. House of Representatives member asking him or her to support the Billfish Conservation Act of 2010. You are encouraged to personalize the letter as you see fit. Thank you for your taking the time to help to Keep America Fishing!